Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Excitement

It's taken me a while to get back on here. Things have been crazy at home. After my last post I got a call from my sister Laura. I won't go into details, but she apparently is very upset with me for going to see her children at my mother's house. (She and Mom don't get along.) So she said a lot of horrible things to me. I am choosing not to burden myself with her problems at this time since I feel I already have enough going on in my life without that. I guess you could say we're not speaking to one another.

Besides that, today is Eric's and my 4th wedding anniversary. We always make plans to go out of town for the weekend closest to our anniversary. This year our plans were to go to LaCrosse with our friends Bri & Charlie. We were going to meet up with another friend, Val, who lives there and ride our motorcycles in a ride called the Flood Run. Unfortunately Val's bike was vandalized and is currently not working. We weren't sure if we were still going to go up there, and then this past Sunday something happened that pretty much sealed the deal. I had just returned home from a birthday party that my cousin Ashlea was having for her kids and had joined Eric on the couch to watch the 4th quarter of the Bears game when he suddenly had a seizure. Talk about frightening! He wasn't breathing properly after the convultions ceased, so I called 911. The paramedics took Eric to the ER and after I found someone to watch Tony I met him there. We stayed for over 4 hours, but the CT scan they ran came back normal so they sent us home and set it up for him to see a neurologist first thing in the morning. Unfortunately the neurologist they referred us to is outside of our PPO Network, so I'm really dreading getting the bills from all of this. In any case, the results from the blood and urine samples they took the day before had come in by the time we saw the doctor, and everything was normal. So Wednesday we went back again and they did an EEG. Now tomorrow morning we will go in so they can do an MRI. We have a follow up appointment scheduled with the neurologist next Wednesday, the 24th, to find out the results of those two tests. Coincidentally that is the same day as my second pre-natal visit with my OB and Mom's second dose of chemotherapy. So here's hoping that everything goes well for everyone that day! In the meantime, Eric is not allowed to be left alone. He also cannot drive so I am chauffeuring him to all of his appointments and to work. The not being able to leave him alone part of things is rather inconvenient also. Especially since Tony's sitter is taking the 24th, 25th, & 26th off. I am taking vacation from work on the 24th & 25th and I guess Tony will just have to join us at our doctor appointments on the 24th. Hopefully he behaves. But Eric was going to take vacation on the 26th because I have a class at Blackhawk Tech that day that I cannot miss. Well, that is out of the question. Thankfully, my friend Jenny said she is not busy that day and volunteered to take Tony for me. I really hope he behaves himself for her that day too!

All of these things have caused me to have a bit of stress. I think I'm handling it okay. I'm still trying to take care of myself for the sake of our new little one that is on the way. Mom is not helping though. She handled her first dose of chemo very well, and is still maintaining her positive attitude. I'm very thankful for those things. But I made the mistake of telling her that the doctor said Eric's seizure may have been stress-induced or from sleep deprivation. So she is blaming me for causing all of Eric's stress and telling me that I can't allow him to do anything around the house anymore. In her eyes this is all my fault, so to rectify things I should take on all the household duties like cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. These have always been tasks that Eric and I have shared, and I can't believe that something like that would push him over the edge. In addition, I'm so exhausted and sick from this pregnancy that I have a hard enough time keeping up with my share of the duties let alone taking on all of his too. Of course I'll do whatever I can to lighten his burden, but I wish that my mother wouldn't make me feel guilty like all of this is my fault. I guess I'll just do my best to ignore her.

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