Thursday, October 23, 2008

Test Results, Birthdays, Bills, etc.

So we finally got the results from all of the tests that Eric had done as a result of his seizure. And the conclusion is that they have no idea what is wrong with him. Everything indicates that he is perfectly healthy. So I guess that's good news, but it sure would be nice to have an explanation! They sent us on our way & said to just keep an eye on things to see if he has another one. We have a follow up with the neurologist again on November 19th and if nothing has changed, then the doctor will put in the recommendation to the DMV to give Eric his license back. The soonest he can get it back is 90 days after the incident though, so not until the middle of December.

We also got our first set of bills from all of the doctor visits and tests. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to be paying off medical bills for the rest of my life! Thank goodness those things don't adversely effect your credit rating.

I had a chat with my mother the weekend before last also. I was somewhat upset with her because she had Eric working like a dog all day Saturday and Sunday to fix the clutch on her farm truck. So I called her on her hypocritical attitude (since I'm not even supposed to let him do anything around the house afterall.) Of course she seemed completely oblivious to what I was referring to, and all she could say was "I hope you don't think that we blame you for what happened to Eric." Right...

My soon-to-be-ex-brother-in-law was down this way for work on Friday again, so he brought the kids by our house. Sarah came with as well as Ben and Alicia this time, so it was nice to see her and see how she's doing too. I've emailed back and forth with her a bit and I think she's having the hardest time of all the kids with her parent's divorce. I tried to get Mom to come over to the house and see them too, but she had spent all afternoon at the bar in the bowling alley and claimed she was too tired to drive over. Oh well...I tried.

Last week Wednesday and Thursday were Eric's and Tony's birthdays. Eric had Wednesday off of work since he had to work this Saturday. He kept Tony home with him for the day and they spent time doing some father/son bonding for Tony's birthday. They spent the morning splitting wood and the afternoon grinding feed for the cattle at mom's house. That's probably the best present that Tony could have gotten anyway. He adores spending time with his daddy. :) (Not to mention that he is currently obsessed with "moo-moos" as he calls mom's steers.) This coming Saturday we are going to have ice cream and cake and open presents to officially celebrate his birthday. The grandparents have all been invited as wells as his godparents and a few of his friends.

Tony had his 2-year checkup on Monday. He's slowed down a little on his growth, but he's still a healthy-sized boy. He weighed 29 lbs. and was 35 1/4 " tall.

I went to the doctor for my 18 week pre-natal check up just yesterday and everything seems to be coming along nicely. The baby has a nice strong heartbeat of around 150 beats per minute. I scheduled my ultrasound for November 13th. Hopefully we can find out the gender of the new munchkin at that time.

I'm sure I have left out some trivial things, but I think that about sums up what's been going on during the last month. Mom will be going in for some additional tests to see if her chemo treatments have been working. But so far the doctor is really happy with her because she's actually gained 5 lbs. rather than losing weight. So he went ahead and scheduled a 4th dose of chemo for Nov. 5th.

I'll try to write more later...

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